
Armadillos and Bunnies: A Quick Little Getaway to Blythe Island Regional Park

May 3 - 6, 2024: Blythe Island Regional Park, GA Site #57; Other sites to ponder - almost all the 90’s! This was a GREAT little regional park - our first time trying this vs a state park.  We really enjoyed it.  We arrived after an early release day for the girls - actually, I screwed up - it was NOT early release!  So I took them out early.  *TERRIBLE MOM AWARD GOES HERE!* On the way there, we got the MOST AWESOME call - Grace got into Charleston School of the Arts!  To say she was overwhelmingly happy is definitely an understatement! Crying tears of JOY! Within about 45 minutes of leaving the house, the park called and told us the front desk closed at 5, but if we weren’t going to be there before then (we weren’t!), they would leave instructions for us.  They were SUPER courteous!  We arrived and bunnies were hopping around everywhere when we pulled in through the check in station - how neat!  This trip was ALL about the armadillos at the campsite and all around AND the rabbits at th